I Realized I Shook Michael Jackson's Hand

My Idol
Michael Jackson was always my Idol, his cool moves, catchy vocals and music always caught my attention whenever I heard his songs or saw his music videos.
Michael Jackson was my source of inspiration, his music lifted my spirit up whenever I was in a dark place in my journey of life.
It was then that I began to hope and wonder if my creations would some how cross his path and through his ears, or so I hoped. I began working hard on my musical craft determined that someday my music would make its way towards him; little did I know that day wouldn't come.
Michael's passing was a big shock to us all, a big legend gone but his legacy still living on.
Still continuing my musical Journey, perfecting my craft, I came accross a Producer who added me on Facebook and wanted to be Friends. Reading his credentials before adding him as a friend, I soon found his bio on Wikipedia and saw the major Artists he had worked with, Britney Spears, NSYNC, Paras Michael & Michael Jackson.
My Heart raced as I read my idols name in his credentials and I quickly added him as a friend. It was not too long until we chatted and he offered me a teaching session in his studio, I didnt think twice and took the offer. The day finally came and I met him face to face, his name was Roy Hamilton III.
I shook his hand and realized at that very moment that I was shaking hands with the man who shook hands with the legend. We made our way into the studio, I plugged in my Iphone and showed him my latest song from my new album "Become" as I watched Roy groove to my music, he suddenly made me realize that he was the closest person who was listening to my music; who worked with Michael Jackson
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If you like the track you might also consider checking out "Become". It's my latest album and its full of Pop tunes that I would like to think would make the King of Pop proud.
Best Wishes
Marvin Dias
(M.Class Dias)
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